We Have Been Featured....

...in the March 2012 edition of NuYou Brides Magazine! Read the interview below for Kathy’s sound advice on budgeting for a wedding that you will be happy with.    Enjoy! :)

每个新娘都希望拥有属于自己独一无二的嫁衣, 而定制婚纱的价钱则取决于材质及设计, 当然预算不高就无法选择法国蕾丝等高贵的材质, 也无法以大量水晶,钉珠缀饰婚纱。 虽然如此也不必气馁, 你还是可以定制简单大方的婚纱。
“ 有些准新娘会为了而网, 可是我不建议她们这样做, 因回来的婚往往‘版’,大部分都难或无法修改。 与其网不合身又没有素质的婚, 不如多定制。 预算不多的准新娘可以定制一件款式简单, 手工不多的婚这样可以买个安心, 也省麻。” Kathy Foo, I Am A  Bride® 创意执行董事

THE Gown

Every bride dreams of having their own unique wedding gown. The prices of custom made wedding gowns depend on the materials and design chosen by the customer.

Well of course, with a tight budget in hand, the choice of having the more luxurious materials such as French lace, fine or heavy embellishments with crystals, beading, inlaid on the wedding gown are very limited.

Brides out there should not be discouraged by this as you are still able to custom make a simple elegant gown that is unique to your wedding day.

"In order to save money, some brides chose to shop online for their wedding gowns, but I do not recommend them to do so, because most wedding gowns purchased online turn out to be a 'shoddy version' of what is seen on screen. Moreover, most of the online gowns are difficult or cannot be modified/altered at all! Instead of purchasing wedding gowns from online shops that are not fitting and have no quality assurance, it is better to spend a little extra for a customized wedding gown from a local gown provider/designer. Brides can custom make a simple yet ideal wedding gown with your desired input on the finishing details. So with a modest budget, you still can custom make your 'dream-gown-come-true' with a peace of mind and for more satisfaction on your special day. " Kathy Foo, I Am A Bride®, Consulting Creative Managing Director

Close-up of the published article
I AM A BRIDE® was honored to be interviewed under this
wedding feature - Wedding Budget Preparation
with the RM15,000 budget.
You can put a 30%-35% of your total budget
to get yourself your dream wedding gown =)


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