Yes, this promo ended 14 Feb '11. It was such a great deal that many customer can't believe its true~! Just check out what our FB fans said:

MeiYoong obviously saw our promo in FB and message me to inquiry for her own ROM short dress. She emailed me a sample picture (from the net), saying that she would like her short dress to look sweet and girl-y =) So after we meet, we had abit of sharing n discussion on what design of the dress, the material, the details.... that suits her more, in order to achieve her look.
So I did a few sketches.... and we finally approved on this!

Meiyoong's custom make ROM short dress is in progress now! *^.^*
She just did her first fitting with me today and she was so surprised and full with joy that she can't stop smiling! She told me she can't wait to collect her final complete dress till Saturday.
Calm down, Meiyoong...*hihhih... will need to add on some more nice details on your dress first *^.^*
To MeiYoong: I'm so happy that you are so satisfy with your custom make short dress *^.^* See you Saturday! *Bring your new heels!
Samantha came to me with abit of worry. She was worried about her body size. I confidently gave her the answer: That's is why, we came out with this Custom Make Promotion *^.^*! She said she can't find any pretty ready-made short dress for her wedding registration day. And even she found one, still need to pay an extra to get it alter =( hum....
So I explained to her that custom make, you can choose the design that suits you, like: how you want your chest line to be (heart-shape/tube/off-shoulder...), how you want your sleeves to be (so that it can cover the exposed flesh), how you want your shirt to be (flare/structured/uneven/layered/can-caned....) It's all so flexible *^.^*! Part by part we custom make it.
So after knowing what Samantha's concerns and desire, here's the personal sketch for her:

Yes, talking about the 'transformation' of her short ROM dress into her Wedding Gown! Oh... I think I should reserved this great idea until Samantha really confirm it *^.^* We were both (and of course, Samantha's mom as well) all so excited when my tailor suggested the idea~!!
To Samantha: I'll inform you when your 1st mock of your dress is ready for fitting =) Am excited for you too~!! =)
There you go, some of our sucess stories *^.^* There are a few MORE successful brides who sign up for this great promotion. But due to privacy, I am not to reveal their updates to the public =)
So to all, Thank you for your support and please check on our Facebook for more, More, MORE news and events!