Here are some preview from the magazine. Go to page 168, you'll find all 3 Brizillas' Blogs... Grace&Alex, Kathy&Steven and Sue&Justin

Here's MORE pictures of me and Chenseng Behind the Scenes... fooling around in the photo studio (coz the stylist want us to 'act' instead of pose-pose like taking pre-wedding pictures. She want Chenseng to hold the laptop (away from me) and I have to manja-manja pujuk him, so he can let me blog!! * tell you the truth, before I got my Apple Laptop, me and Chenseng used to take turns to use his Toshiba laptop...=( so susah u know!! hum....Coz when I suddently got my inspirations and the semangat to blog, he is doing his work =(... So I have to wait till he finish his work only my turn to use. Sometimes he'll get soft hearted and pity me coz I have to use pen to wrtie down on paper... *like wirtting English essay! So he'll stop his work for awhile to catch some breath THEN! I'll type type typee typeee... blog blog blog... untill he fall asleep already *muahahaha =P BUT now, NO MORE *^.^* I can blog and type and edit WHENEVER I can~~*hihihi Thanks to him *^.^*
So! Here's some funny pictures (or more like failure pictures of our behind the scenes) during our photoshoots at BluInc Studio:

*hahaha...Look at our expressions... so funny^.^
It was ALOT of FUN doing all the shoots!
Thanks to FEMALE BRIDES M'SIA, WanLee, Shirlee and AlvinLiew *^.^*
It was ALOT of FUN doing all the shoots!
Thanks to FEMALE BRIDES M'SIA, WanLee, Shirlee and AlvinLiew *^.^*