Before me and Chenseng made the final decision(from a list of ideas/doorgifts that we can think of) on these wooden clips... we were so into this TOWEL CAKE thing as our doorgifts *^.^* It's very cute, pretty and very popular in Taiwan~! Here's some samples we research from the net:

Our 'very nice' ideas were vanish when it come to budget *kaching $$$ So, alternatives - was those small CRYSTAL ornaments. We went ask AROUND (u name it from almost all the warehouses or shops at Petaling Street) we ask one-by-one that weekend morning till night *So dusty and tired after that =o( Another failure...oevr budget and source not up to our requirement.

Well...since Chenseng dun like this idea so much... we continue search HARDER! Where ever we go shopping or walking through shops, our eyes open 'big-big' (hihihi...)
SO! On the 26 Oct08, Sunday (I forget what public holiday iziit) Me, Chenseng and mommy daddy went to Melaka to collect our DragonFruit RedWine *^.^* Here, I want to say a SUPER BIG THANKYOU to my best friend - Ms Tan Pei Fung and her mother-in-law Julia for selling me the very delicious DragonFruit RedWine for my wedding dinner. It's so delicious and tasty that most of my friends and family who tasted it wanna buy it...But, too bad, according to Julia, the supplier of the dragonfruit redwine is not producing it anymore and is doin aloevera business now =( SOOoooo sayang-neh =( Maybe is the production cost is high and one bottle is is not cheap! BUT!! I still feel very greatful and thankful from the help from PeiFung and Julia - THANKYOU *^.^*!!
Yes! After collected our redwine, we decided to tour around Melaka. Such a big change in Melaka Town! There's the Pahlawan Shopping Mall, the Menara Taming Sari Melaka (YES! All four of us q-up and went up the ride to view the very beautiful Melaka town 360 degree SKY HIGH!! Just like a tourist *^.^*) After dinner at Johny's Steamboat in Pahlawan Shopping Mall, we went to the Jonker's Street's Pasar Malam~!! So MANY Peopleeee~!!
NOW! My wedding doorgift story continue: Yup! I found my cute wooden clip as my wedding doorgift THERE! at Melaka's Jonker's Street *^.^* A shop named ARNAZO that sells alot of local made/china made crafts, ornaments, cute-cute stuffs and gifts. Like I said earlier, where ever me and chenseng go and see, we will alwys remind ourselves - DOORGIFT..doorgift...doorgift... ....

We got our clear plastic packaging from Jalan Kenanga, Hang Tuah - Panma Worldwide Enterprise, specialist in plastic bags. I brought one sample of wooden clip so I can find the suitable platic bag saiz. The owner Mdm Tan was so friendly *^.^* She chitchat with us, recommand us so many different kinds of plastic packets, so that our wedding doorgifts looks nice! *so thoughtful*^.^*. She even taught us how to differentiate the quality of plastic bag. After all the chitchat, we decide on a rectangular size plastic packet so our wooden clip can fit nicely inside and seal it with my hand-tied chinese knot.
Here... Oscar moment again: I want to THANK my Beloved collegues - Serean Lau Siaw Woon and Chew Bee Bee *^.^*v*^.^* To BeeBee: Thankyou! You are willing to learn how to tie the chinese knot and helped me tied almost more than hundred knots and package them*^.^* To Serean Lau: Thankyou! You are so productive by package more than 30 wooden clips with the chinese knots WITHIN ONE NIGHT~!! WOW!! THANKYOU, my friends **^.^** Here's PART of the 500 chinese knots me, mommy and beebee did:

SO! This is my doorgifts' story.
A sneak preview on how I did my wedding doorgifts/favours:
My face stress-nya~!!
I was busy diy-ing our wedding doorgifts *stress while Chenseng (in the background) watching TV!!
- candid recorded by Alex (Kathy's brother) -
I was busy diy-ing our wedding doorgifts *stress while Chenseng (in the background) watching TV!!
- candid recorded by Alex (Kathy's brother) -
hi there kathy,
ReplyDeleteI found your blog from female bride magazine. Ur blog is so coool!!! i wish i can turn back time and blog bout my wedding too. One thing we have in common (which i havent found anybody doing it, and u're the first one) is DIY bride. I do everything on my own, from sewing bridesmaid dress, favors, invitations card.. i mean everything! hehe..
well, feel free to visit my past wedsite -
Wish u all the best girl! btw- when's ur big day ar?
waaaaaah, u didn't have to put my full name for the whole world to see bridezilla!! :) but ur most welcome, it was the least i could do to help :D
ReplyDeletehi, the cake towel is so nice. That was also in my mind for my wedding doorgift. Can you give me the place or whatever that I can find those cake towel? Preferably other than in because i'm trying to find it in Malaysia.