Today is my Gou Da Li day *^.^*
Yes yes, is been a while. We were very VERY busy with our Gou Da Li preparation. For the 1st week of November, everynite me and chenseng hav to go shopping and research for our Gou Da Li stuff AFTER WORK! (*hum...) What to look for? Example: his shirt, pants, belt, purse and shoe (that girls side hav to 'return' the gifts, rather my parents buy for him, mom said bring him shop for what he likes and usable), bed sheet set for both my room and our 'new' room (we got our new furnish bed set one year ago and recently mom n dad got us a queen size bed @ Seremban *^.^* happy~~ I dun hav to sleep on the floor anymore! HA!) and more ding-ding dong-dong stuff to purchase....
Will Continue my Chinese Hantaran aka Gou Da Li.... !!**I'd got SUPRIZED**!! *^.^*
YO-HOO~~!!! Kathy Bridezilla is BACK~~!! now with more pictures...hihihiAbout my Gou Dai Lai, I'll put pictures and captions to tell the story yeah *^.^* Here goes...


Congratulations!~ Must b v excited~