Yosh! Is time to show-off my veilss...Yup! Bridezilla KathyFoo is VERY uptide and upset 'bout her bridal house THAT's WHY she got herself THREE veils: 1.Simple 2-tier dropped elbow lenght 2. 4-tier gathered bouquet lenght and 3. Halo veil with flower & pearls details.
Sample of veil No.1:

Simple 2-tier dropped elbow lenght veil w/o any trimming.
Another closer look:
Me in my 'Gua' but I put on my simple veil so I don't look so traditional ^.^v.
Sample of veil No.2:Another closer look:

My 4-tier gathered bouquet veil with trimming & diamonte details.
This veil and the headset came along with my gown when I purchased it.
This veil and the headset came along with my gown when I purchased it.
Very matching and *puffy...& is a blusher too!!
Sample of veil No.3:

Halo veil with flower, pearls and ribbons details. I DIY it myself, took me a few weekends to complete it. IT's very pretty to pair it with a short gown~!
So YEAH! I own 3 different kind of wedding veils. And I hav no regrets to have to pay for ALL my unique veils *^.^*v
hi there...your veils are LOVELY!!! How did u go about making it? I'm currently preparing for my wedding at the end of 2009 & would love something I could DIY myself. However, I have 0% in creativity but I would really love to make something for myself. A VEIL..can u share wif me where u got ur ideas from?? Thkss