The flower bouquet you saw at the right corner there --> Cream Roses with Hydrangeas, nice? =)That was my pre-wedding photoshoot's flower bouquet tht chenseng bought me ^.^v
You must be wondering: Why the bridal house dun provide? Yes, they provide. I even request for cream or white roses..last option is red roses. BUT! The service person told me, they can't confirm what kind of flower will they receive on my day of least help me PRE-ORDER and TAKE NOTE what your customer wants..right?
Nooooooooo~!! The 1st time we went for the indoor shoot...
PURPLE Forget-me-not!!!
What a combination!! I almost FAINTED! ...
Luckly, Chenseng understand my concern..."what if they give THAT kinda of flower again!?" "our photo are RUIN!!" I'm so worried....SO! He bring me to this florist @ Endah Parade (Carefour Sri Petaling) called Hyacinth Florist Trading. He told me he got me the 1st flower bouquet from this little shop, behind the front row of shops....quite hidden..he was surprised to find a florist here too.

Looks BETTER than the sample from the net right?
hihihi... we aere so happy and thankful for WaiMun's good work!
SO! For my ROM bouquet....I go look for Ms WaiMun again!

But before that...I was 'rajin-rajin' doin my research on the net...hoping to spot the design bouquet I like. I found more than 20 kindas of ROM bouquet designs!
Define ROM bouquets: To me (kathyfoo) ROM bouquet should be smaller than BRIDAL bouquet. It should be small, cute, pretty, sweet...and most important of all: easy to carry. Coz ROM is registration of marriage, it involves alot of hand movements like writting, i mean sign and doin your vows, hand shake with friends n families...etc
SO! I've finalized from all of those to this one ^.^v :

"Yup!" YES! I was so happy that she ACCEPT the CHALLENGE to help me do my ROM bouquet! I wanna say a big THANK YOU to WAIMUN here first!
NOW! Here's another person I need to say a big THANK YOU to is: Ms ChinLanShing! My ex-BluInc/NuYou colleague! She is SPONSORING my ROM bouquet~~! Yipee~~~ I think I'm the happiest bride of all! *^.^*
Me and Lanshing was chatting in the afternoon. She was asking me how's my preparation for my ROM this Saturday. She wants to know what I'm wearing that day for I have SOOOOOooo many gown n dresses...THAT IS NOT TRUE, chin! =p
But anyway, here is what i'm gonna wear for my ROM ^.^v
Let me tell you the story. . .
29th Mar08(Sat) We were at MidValley and The Gardens window shopping. Then I went to the top floor @The Gardens where they show off/sell DESIGNER's clothes. We were checking out those cool! I saw this dress!!
An ocean blue, tube short dress!
The skirt is like the ballerina's tutu flare skirt
with abit black netting at the bottom.
The back is soooo sexy! Is the criss-cross finishing!
The dress is so LADYLIKE! Is design by Jonathan cheng and it's RM700!!
OMG~~I got his name card and give him a call...see if I hav any luck to bring down the price.
He replied and told me, he can't bring down the price if the dress is selling @Gardens...SO! He ask his girls to bring it to his Sg Wang outlet...Then only he can bring down the price, but still he can't confirm wht's the good price he can give me until the dress is @Sg Wang. *huh?* FINE!
30th Mar08(Sun) Chenseng brought me to Sg Wang, to look for Jonathan Cheng's 'punya' dress. Found it...Tried it...when it come to the price, his best price is RM500!! WHAT THE H*LL!
Chenseng said "FORGET IT!"
"But...but...I like the dress...." ='( He told me "with RM500...I can buy u 5 DIFFERENT DRESS!" ...TOTALLY NOT worth it!
Well...back to my sences...yah..not worth it. SO! We went walking round Sg Wang to find the 'replacement' of THAT kinda dress. The 'Pong-pong' short dress I set my eyes on.
'Pong-pong'...'Pong-pong'...'Pong-pong'....Got into this shop called 17teen! The lady owner called MEI has this cute white puddel tht looks like a toydog when it doesn't move. ^.^
The dresses she sells are mostly from HongKong...looks similiar with the one i bought except it's in DARK BLUE with BLACK victorian patterns on it. I tried it on...and I liked it VERY MUCH!!
BUT chenseng ask me to go 'see-see' at SOMEOTHERs shop, only finalize.....Well, o..k.....
I changed and pass the dress to Mei, ask her the price and is ONLY RM129!!! I WANT OT BUY! I WANT TO BUY! I WANT OT BUY! NOW.. NOW... NOW!!
BUT!! Chenseng came in to the picture...NO! NO! NO! go see somemore only finalize....Well, o.k...
SO! We walk walkwalk walk..nothing much...decide to go back THEN chenseng STOP me again..
"How bout TimeSquare? Lot 10? 1 UTAMA? TheCurve? HArtamas?... still got SOOOOO many choices...I bring you nextweek, ok? Don't rush...."
WOW! My boyfriend is REALING to SHOP with me!!! ....Y~E~A~HHH~~!!
SO! After Sg Wang, we went to Lot10 and TimeSquare. luck =( Dont hav any Pong-pong short dress I like. BUT! While we were window shopping around Bukit Bintang area, we found out there are actually ALOT of AFFORTABLE BRIDAL GOWN!! Range from as low as RM100 to RM500.....So now! EVERYONE CAN FLY! I mean EVERYONE CAN BUY! (AirAsia slogan..*hihihi)
Seriously! I went in shop by shop to check their quality...some I even tried it on! You can tell that some are from CHINA (The workmanship is not so good..) HONGKONG qualities are nicer ...and some are tailor made! They design and produce their own dresses/gown.
I've collected sooooo many namecards from shop-to-shop...SO! MY friends: If you need any source for dresses or gown, can email me and maybe we can go shop together! HAhahaha..>o<>
5th April08(Sat) We went to The Curve + Ikano + CineLeisure + 1 Utama New and Old Wing...but no luck....*sob*sob
12th April08(Sat) SO! We decide to go back to SgWang 17teen to get the dress i set eyes on. GUESS WHT!? IT WAS SOLD OFF! AAaaaaahhhhhh....NOooooooooo!
She told me an American lady bought it for her company dinner.
My heart broken for the second time!!! I kept asking Mei whether thr's another piece in store? whn will she reorder? does she know whr can get the same piece? I was really REALLY sad! I can't even eat my lunch properly...=''( Chenseng was trying to console me... Then he immediately bring me to HARTAMAS!
I was STILL very sad...I hav NO MOOD to continue window shopping anymore...='''( Chenseng was very energetic, he told me:"I'm sure we can get a dress tht is BETTER than tht!" He was the one walking faster than me..checking out ALL the boutique possible!
Then it RAIN!! As if the sky understand how I feel...=""( My feet was like heavy tht I refuse to walk...But Thanks to Chenseng! ^.^ He gave me courage to go shop by shop and help me find dresses that are suitable for me to try on.
Starting from TrueFitness(the newer are) to the shops near main trafficlights of Hartamas entrance, we went in every boutique tht's open. Top flr, ground flr, 1st flr, 2nd flr.....and is almost 7pm de!
It was hopeless~~!!
Then, just b4 we decide to head home, we went up to a boutique near whr we parked: Joanne Fashion&Nail Service. There was as if a GLOW in front of us!!!!! We've found it!!! And how coinsedently, the rain STOPPED! It was the same Hongkong quality as 17teen! And it's only RM169! After I've tried it on...I LOVEd it so much and chenseng pay immediately!
We were soooooo glad after been through ALL the WALKING from KL to PJ to HARTAMAS...finally got my ROM dress! ^.^v
ReplyDeleteFunny la you... so finally end up in which shop? Its 3 days away from your BIG day. Chill and dont so stress ok?
hehe.... i like the story. very persistance la ur hubz and also so sweet towards ur needs.!
ReplyDeletehey... midn to share with me where to get nice dress? My frame is slightly broad, and my budget is roughly abt RM200 max
ReplyDeletehi, glad that you have found your ROM dress. I haven't found mine... =(
ReplyDeleteI got a exactly same dress as urs, but in black colour in JB @ RM90(price tag shownRM129.90).